About Me

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My name is Leo, I am a student at Salem State college and I made this blog for my education class. Im new to this whole blogging thing so if I lose you im sorry! Im 20 years old 21 in august. I have a beautiful girlfriend named Ashley and a daughter named Lorelai. I look forward to teaching in the future and learning all I can!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Children Falling Behind

Children falling behind is a very serious issue that is happening more and more today. There are many factors that can contribute to this. Children these days have just as much stress as adults do, or so it seems. Children who have stressful home lives also seem to have added pressure to the everyday pressure of school. If a child doesn’t have a place of their own to study and get work done then they might fall even more behind. For some students school could also be a safe haven if their home life is too hectic. However if a child isn’t understanding what it going on in class and they are falling back instead of forward what can be done? Many schools have a good special help for those students who need one on one help, but I think that there should be a country wide collaboration that had set goals for these students. I know that when I was in elementary I had a very tough time with reading. I got put into a special reading class in the basement of all places. It did nothing for me and I could tell the teacher didn’t want to be doing it. I think that more focus should be put on this area.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What up with private schools?

Are private schools all they are cracked up to be? What does the price get you, and is it really that expensive? More and more scholarships are being giving to try and get students in private schools rather than public. A recent study has shown that the cost of different private schools do vary, and they are mostly somewhere between 2,500$-5000$ per year. In the long run this price really isn’t that bad, but is it worth it? Do private schools give you a superior education to public schools? I don’t think so; public schools offer a largely diverse group of students to interact with. Private schools cater to one type of family, ones that can afford private prices. Also I don’t believe that since you pay for school you are getting anything more than you do in public school. The school you teach in does not mean you are a better teacher. It is how you approach your teaching that makes you a good teacher. Private schools may be for some people but I think public education is a gift that should be appreciated.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Are the Arts overlooked?

Research has shown that art is a very important part of a child’s life. It allows them express themselves freely mostly without restriction. However is it getting left in the dust?
Art has many positive factors on a child, including increasing non-verbal skills and cognitive skills. Art can give a child who is “falling behind” a chance to be good at something. I know that when I was in school art was my favorite class! Art is a natural source of curiosity and lets children’s minds wander to new and exciting things. It allows children to become involved in their schools and can even establish a sense of pride amongst a group. A strong bond can be linked between art and student to student and student to teacher relationships as well. By letting a child express themselves you are giving them an utmost sense of pride and accomplishment. It enhances the natural curiosity all students possess.
However sad to say especially in today’s economic crisis, art is being over looked. With tighter and tighter budgets classes like art and music are being dropped. Canceling these classes may help the money problem but it is ultimately the students that suffer from it. With a way to healthily express themselves students may feel contained and anxious. I think that Art should be a part of every school, economic crisis or not.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Getting Started

This is my first time making one of these so hopefully I did it right? I think its ok! Well just wanted to write something to get started. I guess I will just put up some pictures. Me and my girlfriend are on the left. Also this is how we found Lorelai asleep in her crib.