About Me

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My name is Leo, I am a student at Salem State college and I made this blog for my education class. Im new to this whole blogging thing so if I lose you im sorry! Im 20 years old 21 in august. I have a beautiful girlfriend named Ashley and a daughter named Lorelai. I look forward to teaching in the future and learning all I can!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Final Blog

Throughout this class I learned a lot, not only about education, but also about myself and what kind of teacher I want to be. I want to strive to be the best that I can be and I will try to use knowledge acquired from this class to help me in that goal.
The readings in this class really made me realize all of the different topics and concerns in education. I really liked the stories in the educational foundations book. I liked how while I was reading through them I could really relate to the stories. I especially liked the story when the teacher went against all odds to do what he thought was right. I can really appreciate the fact that he stood up for what he believed in.
The blogs I thought were awesome. I really liked how you had a chance to set up something with your own style was really different from many other classes. They were a little hard to get the hang of at first, trying to set them up and everything but afterwards they were a great way to see what others thought and react to them.
The literature circles were a good learning tool to get reactions from others. It gave us the chance to get to see what others thought about the certain subjects that were given. I enjoyed how each part of the subject was broken up into different parts to be discussed.
The education paper was a big task. Discussing everything in a six page paper can be hard. Trying to figure out what to say can be a tricky task. On the observations I thought that was an extremely important part of the class. Seeing what other teachers do with their classes is an important part of learning. I really enjoyed how from just hours in a class you can really get a feel for how they are run.
I think that the way this class was set up was perfect for the subject matter. The stories all tied into one another and helped understand the lessons. I feel that every single thing had a significant part in keeping this class organized. I really enjoyed this class and I feel that I learned more from this class than most other classes.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pizza Anyone?

At first this blog sort of confused me. I didn’t really have any idea what I was going to pick to compare to education. After thinking about it I decided to go with the metaphor of making a pizza.
I chose this because I feel like, like making a pizza, education has many layers. The first thing you need to do to make a pizza would be to lay down the dough. This would be the same as picking the right school for you to teach in and parents finding the right school for their children to attend.
The next step would be to pick the right sauce and put this down. This would be like children being put in the right classes for their different levels. Along with the cheese that has many different varieties shapes and sizes children are all different as well get put in different classes with different teachers.
The last thing that happens with a pizza would be the toppings. The toppings that are on the pizza are individual to each and every person who orders it. Each child needs individual help. Not all children are the same and each type of education is personal to each child. Pizzas have layers like each grade of school, each building up to the next step. Without the dough or the sauce the pizza could not keep going. And without elementary schools where children learn the basis of their knowledge they wouldn’t be able to keep going through the grades.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Evolution vs Creation

There are many issues that teachers face on a daily basis. What to teach and how to teach it is a debate that has been going on for ages, and will continue to occur. The issue that I have decided to discuss would be the debate of teaching creation or evolution in school. Many people have their sides chosen, and others don’t care. However this is sometimes a very heated argument.
The Evolution vs. Creation question is often called the "Great Debate." It's the emotion-filled question of "Origins" how, why, and where did the whole thing come from? The 20th century scientists have made the convincing discovery that, the universe began at a certain point in time and both sides of the Great Debate can now agree on some of the opposers views of the origin of the world and its life. However, after a few common points this is where the harmony ends. As far as the origin of the world and human life there are countless differences in the views. There are basically two basic theories that are involved in this Great Debate. The first is the historical view that we all remember from Sunday school which is the “Creation Model of Origins”. This theory maintains that the complex design of all things had some sort of a “Designer”. The second theory is the more recent, and a more atheistic account of the theory which is now known as the “Evolution Model of Origins”. This theory argues that the complex design that makes up this world and all things in it is a product of growth and excessive time.
No matter which side you fall under it is a heated debate. Teachers have lost their jobs teaching some of these things in their classrooms. The United States is a very diverse place and I feel that no matter what teachers should teach what they want to, as long as they do not try and impose their view as the only correct ones.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Waldorf Schools

For this blog we had to pick a type of school that interests us. I decided to go with the Waldorf schools. While doing research I found a passage that perfectly sums up what the Waldorf schools are about. “For the Waldorf student, music, dance, and theater, writing, literature, legends and myths are not simply subjects to be read about, ingested and tested. They are experienced. Through these experiences, Waldorf students cultivate a lifelong love of learning as well as the intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual capacities to be individuals certain of their paths and to be of service to the world.”
The Waldorf schools were developed by Rudlof Stiener in 1919; The Waldorf Education System is mainly based on a deep thoughtful perspective of human growth that addresses the requirements of the budding child. Waldorf teachers go all-out to convert education into an art that educates the entire child; this includes the heart and the hands, as well as the head.
When a person enters a Waldorf school, the first thing that you may notice is the extremely lively structure. The walls are painted with bright colors and covered with children’s art work, which is an important part of child growth to make them feel needed and important.
I choose this school because of the fact they strive on hands on as well as head on experience. I feel that all children learn in different ways so the fact that the school and the teachers make it so every student can learn in their own way is a good learning method.
“Rudolf Steiner stressed to teachers that the best way to provide meaningful support for the child is to comprehend these phases fully and to bring "age appropriate" content to the children that nourishes healthy growth.”

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

John Dewey

“John Dewey (1859-1952) believed that learning was active and schooling unnecessarily long and restrictive. His idea was that children came to school to do things and live in a community which gave them real, guided experiences which fostered their capacity to contribute to society. For example, Dewey believed that students should be involved in real-life tasks and challenges”
I feel that I would mostly agree with John Dewey. His view would pretty much be learning through experience. I know for me I am a very visual learner. So I feel that taking real life tasks as learning experiences is a solid idea. Some of his ideas included.
“Math’s could be learnt via learning proportions in cooking or figuring out how long it would take to get from one place to another by mule. History could be learnt by experiencing how people lived, geography, what the climate was like, and how plants and animals grew, were important subjects”
I believe that one needs to experience something to get the full effect of what it is about. I feel that Dewey’s teaching fully coincide with I believe in.
Born 1859, Burlington, Vermont, USA. Died 1952.
American philosopher and regarded as the foremost educator of his day.
Major books include
"Democracy and Education" (1916)
"Logic" (1938)
"Experience and Education" (1938).
Had a profound impact on progressive education
Rejected authoritarian teaching methods.